muzak of the spheres

Most people enjoy listening to music. But music is also a fascinating thing to think about.

Is there a correlation between musical and mathematical ability? Are there connections or alignments between Fibonacci series, Bode's Law and the diatonic scale?

White is all the other colours added together. Is "white noise" all the frequencies of sound waves added together?

Does music in a particular key invoke the same or similar emotions in people irrespective of their culture and/or musical tradition? And if so, why, and how?

In so-called "Western culture", music in a minor key invokes 'saddish' emotions such as regret, loneliness, sorrow, and unrequited love. But does music in a minor key always invoke saddish emotions in people irrespective of their culture and/or musical tradition?

More research required.


chook said...

Hey Cosmic, I've always wanted to do an experiment where a group of musicians each interpret a painting and vice versa a group of painters each interpret a piece of music.
For me the beat (percussion) is what affects me most deep down. I'm sure there is a residue from former lives. The sound of waves is soothing, a fire is great to stare into

masterymistery said...

Yes, synæsthesia writ large--the data is more significant than the medium whereby they are expressed.

The beat/rhythm imparts structure that neither melody nor harmony can. It's also that figure/ground thing, where the space between is as valid if not more so that the things between which the space between exists.

Thanks for your comment. Good to hear from you.

Unknown said...

I personally think that people who are musically inclined are also often mathematically gifted. But maybe this is only sour grapes because I suck at both.