Omniscience? All the knowledge there is, is part of ETI. (Note, this does not mean ETI is infinite knowledge necessarily. Rather it means that ETI is or contains all the knowledge there is, was, will be or could be.)
Omnipotence? All the power there is, is part of ETI. (Note, this does not mean ETI is infinite power necessarily. Rather, it means that ETI is or contains all the power there is, was, will be or could be.)
Omnipresence? Like the Scarlet Pimpernel, ETI is everywhere there is to be. (Note, this does not mean ETI is in infinite places necessarily. Rather it means that God is or contains or is in all the places there are, have been, will be or could be. And by the way, remember the Beatles song, "Strawberry Fields", and the line that goes, "...there's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be..."?)
I don't like to use the word/name "God" because of the potential for confusion, misunderstanding, argument and disagreement about the nature and name of ETI.
ETI is context-independent, values-free, cares for nothing and everything... but more on this later; I'm tired and want to go to bed.
COMMENTS? Come on... gimme your best shot!